Social Media For Lawyers

Social media for lawyers is a powerful tool for firms looking to generate quality leads and expand their caseload. Creating a web presence and connecting with prospective clients through various platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn is the modern version of business cards and an expansive Rolodex. Online marketing cannot be discussed without the […]

Ensuring that your law firm is searchable should be at the top of your marketing to-do list. When members of the community seek the assistance of professionals like you, they take to search engines like Google to help them find qualified counsel. Are you showing up locally when potential clients are searching for law firms? […]

Marketing for law firms takes meticulous strategy. The trends are always changing, and staying innovative is the most effective way to generate the most leads and grow your firm. Marketing boils down to access and reach. In order to improve your caseload and reach your professional goals, you need to reach the right audience and […]

All leads are not created equal. Many times, attorneys believe they are investing in the promise of quality lead generation for lawyers, but they are actually paying for “sign-the-contract-and-run” firms. These sub-par firms may generate leads, but the quality of the leads is questionable to say the least. It is essential to make sure you […]

Legal marketing is a broad term that refers to advertising and other practices, such as client relations, public relations, networking, participation in professional organizations, etc. The legal marketing definition generally includes business development activities and efforts to win more clients, thus increasing revenue. For more information, check out our guide for law firm marketing ideas. […]

When it comes to personal injury marketing, the marketing trends are constantly evolving. In this saturated and competitive industry, a comprehensive marketing plan is absolutely essential for any personal injury firm. Here are a few things all personal injury attorneys should keep in mind when it comes to marketing: Establish Responsive Web Design With so […]

Many attorneys may have heard that a quality law firm landing page is essential to any effective digital marketing campaign. What does this even mean? For those trying to familiarize themselves with digital marketing and law firm landing page best practices, these terms can be confusing and overwhelming. What are landing pages? Landing pages are […]

The fast-paced world of Internet marketing for lawyers is constantly evolving. Keeping track and staying on top of the latest trends in marketing can pose a major challenge for today’s firms. However, planning and maintaining a marketing plan that adheres to today’s fast-paced digital age is an extremely beneficial investment for any practice. Both socially […]

An increasing number of people rely on the Internet to shop, research, communicate, socialize, and even, look for representation. The success of most businesses, including law firms, greatly relies on an online presence. Email marketing for lawyers can be a lucrative type of content marketing that can help generate quality leads. However, not all forms […]